Returns and refund

Carefully read our policy

1) We will evaluate if an order qualifies for a refund and the decision of our management will be final.

2) The refund amount in no circumstances can exceed the amount paid by customer, we are not liable for any loss or claim beyond amount actually paid by customer.

3) If the order is not dispatched and if the customer wants to cancel the order then 3% cancellation charge will be applicable.

4) When returning an item, ensure all seals, tags and accessories are left intact and item is in its original packaging with no stain. We recommend that you keep the original carton and packaging material for a smooth and easy return.

5) If you have created a password on the device you wish to return, please ensure it is removed, otherwise, your return will be invalid.

6) If the order is not dispatched and if the customer wants to cancel the order then the customer has to bear the courier return charges 3% cancellation charge will be applicable.

7) Goods sold in good condition are not returnable, no refund of money after payment, factory errors should be taken to their respective server center.

8) After cancellation, it will take upto 2-3 days to initiate the fund transfer to clients account.

9) Please do not return any product with any kind of stain on its body same applicable to the carton and we do not offer swapping of any product.

10) EPIPHANY may amend its cancellation and return policy from time to time. if we make any substantial changes in the way we use your personal information we will notify you by email or an announcement on the website.

11) If you have any question/comments about our Cancellation And Refund Policy, please contact us at

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